Source code for py2deb.converter

# py2deb: Python to Debian package converter.
# Authors:
#  - Arjan Verwer
#  - Peter Odding <>
# Last Change: August 6, 2020
# URL:

The :mod:`py2deb.converter` module contains the high level conversion logic.

This module defines the :class:`PackageConverter` class which provides the
intended way for external Python code to interface with `py2deb`. The separation
between the :class:`PackageConverter` and :class:`.PackageToConvert`
classes is somewhat crude (because neither class can work without the other)
but the idea is to separate the high level conversion logic from the low level
conversion logic.

# Standard library modules.
import importlib
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile

# External dependencies.
from property_manager import PropertyManager, cached_property, lazy_property, mutable_property, set_property
from deb_pkg_tools.cache import get_default_cache
from deb_pkg_tools.checks import check_duplicate_files
from deb_pkg_tools.utils import find_debian_architecture
from humanfriendly import coerce_boolean
from humanfriendly.text import compact
from pip_accel import PipAccelerator
from pip_accel.config import Config as PipAccelConfig
from six.moves import configparser

# Modules included in our package.
from py2deb.utils import (
from py2deb.package import PackageToConvert

# Initialize a logger.
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE_MAPPING = dict(i686='i386', x86_64='amd64', armv6l='armhf')
Mapping of supported machine architectures (a dictionary).

The keys are the names reported by :func:`os.uname()` and the values are
machine architecture labels used in the Debian packaging system.

[docs]class PackageConverter(PropertyManager): """The external interface of `py2deb`, the Python to Debian package converter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, load_configuration_files=True, load_environment_variables=True, **options): """ Initialize a Python to Debian package converter. :param load_configuration_files: When :data:`True` (the default) :func:`load_default_configuration_files()` is called automatically. :param load_environment_variables: When :data:`True` (the default) :func:`load_environment_variables()` is called automatically. :param options: Any keyword arguments are passed on to the initializer of the :class:`~property_manager.PropertyManager` class. """ # Initialize our superclass. super(PackageConverter, self).__init__(**options) # Initialize our internal state. self.pip_accel = PipAccelerator(PipAccelConfig()) if load_configuration_files: self.load_default_configuration_files() if load_environment_variables: self.load_environment_variables()
[docs] @lazy_property def alternatives(self): """ The update-alternatives_ configuration (a set of tuples). The value of this property is a set of :class:`set` of tuples with two strings each (the strings passed to :func:`install_alternative()`). It's used by :func:`~py2deb.hooks.create_alternatives()` and :func:`~py2deb.hooks.cleanup_alternatives()` during installation and removal of the generated package. """ return set()
[docs] @cached_property def debian_architecture(self): """ The Debian architecture of the current environment (a string). This logic was originally implemented in py2deb but has since been moved to :func:`deb_pkg_tools.utils.find_debian_architecture()`. This property remains as a convenient shortcut. """ return find_debian_architecture()
[docs] @mutable_property def install_prefix(self): """ The installation prefix for converted packages (a string, defaults to ``/usr``). To generate system wide packages one of the installation prefixes ``/usr`` or ``/usr/local`` should be used. Setting this property to any other value will create packages using a "custom installation prefix" that's not included in :data:`sys.path` by default. The installation prefix directory doesn't have to exist on the system where the package is converted and will be automatically created on the system where the package is installed. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the setter :func:`set_install_prefix()` was the only documented interface. The use of this setter is no longer required but still allowed. """ return '/usr'
@mutable_property def lintian_enabled(self): """ :data:`True` to enable Lintian_, :data:`False` to disable it (defaults to :data:`True`). If this is :data:`True` then Lintian_ will automatically be run after each package is converted to sanity check the result. Any problems found by Lintian are information intended for the operator, that is to say they don't cause py2deb to fail. """ return True
[docs] @lintian_enabled.setter def lintian_enabled(self, value): """Automatically coerce :attr:`lintian_enabled` to a boolean value.""" set_property(self, 'lintian_enabled', coerce_boolean(value))
[docs] @lazy_property def lintian_ignore(self): """A list of strings with Lintian tags to ignore.""" return [ 'binary-without-manpage', 'changelog-file-missing-in-native-package', 'debian-changelog-file-missing', 'embedded-javascript-library', 'extra-license-file', 'unknown-control-interpreter', 'unusual-control-interpreter', 'vcs-field-uses-unknown-uri-format', ]
[docs] @lazy_property def name_mapping(self): """ Mapping of Python package names to Debian package names (a dictionary). The :attr:`name_mapping` property enables renaming of packages during the conversion process. The keys as well as the values of the dictionary are expected to be lowercased strings. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the :func:`rename_package()` method was the only documented interface. The use of this setter is no longer required but still allowed. """ return {}
[docs] @mutable_property def name_prefix(self): """ The name prefix for converted packages (a string). The default value of :attr:`name_prefix` depends on the Python interpreter that's used to run py2deb: - On Python 2 the default name prefix is ``python``. - On Python 3 the default name prefix is ``python3``. - On PyPy_ 2 the default name prefix is ``pypy``. - On PyPy_ 3 the default name prefix is ``pypy3``. When one of these default name prefixes is used, converted packages may conflict with system wide packages provided by Debian / Ubuntu. If this starts to bite then consider changing the name and installation prefix. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the setter :func:`set_name_prefix()` was the only documented interface. The use of this setter is no longer required but still allowed. Release 2.0 introduced the alternative default name prefixes ``pypy`` and ``python3``. Before that release the default name prefix ``python`` was (erroneously) used for all interpreters. .. _PyPy: """ return default_name_prefix()
[docs] @mutable_property def prerelease_workaround(self): """ Whether to enable the pre-release workaround in :func:`.normalize_package_version()` (a boolean). By setting this to :data:`False` converted version numbers will match those generated by py2deb 0.25 and earlier. Release 1.0 introduced the pre-release workaround and release 2.1 added the option to control backwards compatibility in this respect. """ return True
@mutable_property def python_callback(self): """ An optional Python callback to be called during the conversion process (defaults to :data:`None`). You can set the value of :attr:`python_callback` to one of the following: 1. A callable object (to be provided by Python API callers). 2. A string containing the pathname of a Python script and the name of a callable, separated by a colon. The Python script will be loaded using :keyword:`exec`. 3. A string containing the "dotted path" of a Python module and the name of a callable, separated by a colon. The Python module will be loaded using :func:`importlib.import_module()`. 4. Any value that evaluates to :data:`False` will clear an existing callback (if any). The callback will be called at the very last step before the binary package's metadata and contents are packaged as a ``*.deb`` archive. This allows arbitrary manipulation of resulting binary packages, e.g. changing package metadata or files to be packaged. An example use case: - Consider a dependency set (group of related packages) that has previously been converted and deployed. - A new version of the dependency set switches from Python package A to Python package B, where the two Python packages contain conflicting files (installed in the same location). This could happen when switching to a project's fork. - A deployment of the new dependency set will conflict with existing installations due to "unrelated" packages (in the eyes of :man:`apt` and :man:`dpkg`) installing the same files. - By injecting a custom Python callback the user can mark package B as "replacing" and "breaking" package A. Refer to `section 7.6`_ of the Debian policy manual for details about the required binary control fields (hint: ``Replaces:`` and ``Breaks:``). .. warning:: The callback is responsible for not making changes that would break the installation of the converted dependency set! :raises: The following exceptions can be raised when you set this property: - :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when you set this to something that's not callable and cannot be converted to a callable. - :exc:`~exceptions.ImportError` when the expression contains a dotted path that cannot be imported. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the setter :func:`set_python_callback()` was the only documented way to configure the callback. The use of this setter is no longer required but still allowed. .. _section 7.6: """
[docs] @python_callback.setter def python_callback(self, value): """Automatically coerce :attr:`python_callback` to a callable value.""" if value: # Python callers get to pass a callable directly. if not callable(value): expression = value # Otherwise we expect a string to parse (from a command line # argument, environment variable or configuration file). callback_path, _, callback_name = expression.partition(':') if os.path.isfile(callback_path): # Callback specified as Python script. script_name = os.path.basename(callback_path) if script_name.endswith('.py'): script_name, _ = os.path.splitext(script_name) environment = dict(__file__=callback_path, __name__=script_name) logger.debug("Loading Python callback from pathname: %s", callback_path) with open(callback_path) as handle: exec(, environment) value = environment.get(callback_name) else: # Callback specified as `dotted path'. logger.debug("Loading Python callback from dotted path: %s", callback_path) module = importlib.import_module(callback_path) value = getattr(module, callback_name, None) if not callable(value): raise ValueError(compact(""" The Python callback expression {expr} didn't result in a valid callable! (result: {value}) """, expr=expression, value=value)) else: value = None set_property(self, 'python_callback', value)
@mutable_property(cached=True) def repository(self): """ The directory where py2deb stores generated ``*.deb`` archives (a :class:`.PackageRepository` object). By default the system wide temporary files directory is used as the repository directory (usually this is ``/tmp``) but it's expected that most callers will want to change this. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the :func:`set_repository()` method was the only documented interface. The use of this method is no longer required but still allowed. """ return PackageRepository(tempfile.gettempdir())
[docs] @repository.setter def repository(self, value): """Automatically coerce :attr:`repository` values.""" directory = os.path.abspath(value) if not os.path.isdir(directory): msg = "Repository directory doesn't exist! (%s)" raise ValueError(msg % directory) set_property(self, 'repository', PackageRepository(directory))
[docs] @lazy_property def scripts(self): """ Mapping of Python package names to shell commands (a dictionary). The keys of this dictionary are expected to be lowercased strings. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the :func:`set_conversion_command()` method was the only documented interface. The use of this method is no longer required but still allowed. """ return {}
[docs] @lazy_property def system_packages(self): """ Mapping of Python package names to Debian package names (a dictionary). The :attr:`system_packages` property enables Python packages in a requirement set to be excluded from the package conversion process. Any references to excluded packages are replaced with a reference to the corresponding system package. The keys as well as the values of the dictionary are expected to be lowercased strings. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Before his property became part of the documented and public API in release 2.0 the :func:`use_system_package()` method was the only documented interface. The use of this method is no longer required but still allowed. """ return {}
[docs] def install_alternative(self, link, path): r""" Install system wide link for program installed in custom installation prefix. Use Debian's update-alternatives_ system to add an executable that's installed in a custom installation prefix to the system wide executable search path using a symbolic link. :param link: The generic name for the master link (a string). This is the first argument passed to ``update-alternatives --install``. :param path: The alternative being introduced for the master link (a string). This is the third argument passed to ``update-alternatives --install``. :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when one of the paths is not provided (e.g. an empty string). If this is a bit vague, consider the following example: .. code-block:: sh $ py2deb --name-prefix=py2deb \ --no-name-prefix=py2deb \ --install-prefix=/usr/lib/py2deb \ --install-alternative=/usr/bin/py2deb,/usr/lib/py2deb/bin/py2deb \ py2deb==0.1 This example will convert `py2deb` and its dependencies using a custom name prefix and a custom installation prefix which means the ``py2deb`` program is not available on the default executable search path. This is why update-alternatives_ is used to create a symbolic link ``/usr/bin/py2deb`` which points to the program inside the custom installation prefix. .. _update-alternatives: """ if not link: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty name for the master link!") if not path: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty name for the alternative being introduced!") self.alternatives.add((link, path))
[docs] def rename_package(self, python_package_name, debian_package_name): """ Override the package name conversion algorithm for the given pair of names. :param python_package_name: The name of a Python package as found on PyPI (a string). :param debian_package_name: The name of the converted Debian package (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when a package name is not provided (e.g. an empty string). """ if not python_package_name: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty Python package name!") if not debian_package_name: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty Debian package name!") self.name_mapping[python_package_name.lower()] = debian_package_name.lower()
[docs] def set_auto_install(self, enabled): """ Enable or disable automatic installation of build time dependencies. :param enabled: Any value, evaluated using :func:`~humanfriendly.coerce_boolean()`. """ self.pip_accel.config.auto_install = coerce_boolean(enabled)
[docs] def set_conversion_command(self, python_package_name, command): """ Set shell command to be executed during conversion process. :param python_package_name: The name of a Python package as found on PyPI (a string). :param command: The shell command to execute (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when the package name or command is not provided (e.g. an empty string). The shell command is executed in the directory containing the Python module(s) that are to be installed by the converted package. .. warning:: This functionality allows arbitrary manipulation of the Python modules to be installed by the converted package. It should clearly be considered a last resort, only for for fixing things like packaging issues with Python packages that you can't otherwise change. For example old versions of Fabric_ bundle a copy of Paramiko_. Most people will never notice this because Python package managers don't complain about this, they just blindly overwrite the files... Debian's packaging system is much more strict and will consider the converted Fabric and Paramiko packages as conflicting and thus broken. In this case you have two options: 1. Switch to a newer version of Fabric that no longer bundles Paramiko; 2. Use the conversion command ``rm -rf paramiko`` to convert Fabric (yes this is somewhat brute force :-). .. _Fabric: .. _Paramiko: """ if not python_package_name: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty Python package name!") if not command: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty shell command!") self.scripts[python_package_name.lower()] = command
[docs] def set_install_prefix(self, directory): """ Set installation prefix to use during package conversion. The installation directory doesn't have to exist on the system where the package is converted. :param directory: The pathname of the directory where the converted packages should be installed (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when no installation prefix is provided (e.g. an empty string). """ if not directory: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty installation prefix!") self.install_prefix = directory
[docs] def set_lintian_enabled(self, enabled): """ Enable or disable automatic Lintian_ checks after package building. :param enabled: Any value, evaluated using :func:`~humanfriendly.coerce_boolean()`. .. _Lintian: """ self.lintian_enabled = enabled
[docs] def set_name_prefix(self, prefix): """ Set package name prefix to use during package conversion. :param prefix: The name prefix to use (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when no name prefix is provided (e.g. an empty string). """ if not prefix: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty name prefix!") self.name_prefix = prefix
[docs] def set_python_callback(self, expression): """Set the value of :attr:`python_callback`.""" self.python_callback = expression
[docs] def set_repository(self, directory): """ Set pathname of directory where `py2deb` stores converted packages. :param directory: The pathname of a directory (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when the directory doesn't exist. """ self.repository = directory
[docs] def use_system_package(self, python_package_name, debian_package_name): """ Exclude a Python package from conversion. :param python_package_name: The name of a Python package as found on PyPI (a string). :param debian_package_name: The name of the Debian package that should be used to fulfill the dependency (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.ValueError` when a package name is not provided (e.g. an empty string). References to the Python package are replaced with a specific Debian package name. This allows you to use system packages for specific Python requirements. """ if not python_package_name: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty Python package name!") if not debian_package_name: raise ValueError("Please provide a nonempty Debian package name!") self.system_packages[python_package_name.lower()] = debian_package_name.lower()
[docs] def load_environment_variables(self): """ Load configuration defaults from environment variables. The following environment variables are currently supported: - ``$PY2DEB_CONFIG`` - ``$PY2DEB_REPOSITORY`` - ``$PY2DEB_NAME_PREFIX`` - ``$PY2DEB_INSTALL_PREFIX`` - ``$PY2DEB_AUTO_INSTALL`` - ``$PY2DEB_LINTIAN`` """ for variable, setter in (('PY2DEB_CONFIG', self.load_configuration_file), ('PY2DEB_REPOSITORY', self.set_repository), ('PY2DEB_NAME_PREFIX', self.set_name_prefix), ('PY2DEB_INSTALL_PREFIX', self.set_install_prefix), ('PY2DEB_AUTO_INSTALL', self.set_auto_install), ('PY2DEB_LINTIAN', self.set_lintian_enabled), ('PY2DEB_CALLBACK', self.set_python_callback)): value = os.environ.get(variable) if value is not None: setter(value)
[docs] def load_configuration_file(self, configuration_file): """ Load configuration defaults from a configuration file. :param configuration_file: The pathname of a configuration file (a string). :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` when the configuration file cannot be loaded. Below is an example of the available options, I assume that the mapping between the configuration options and the setters of :class:`PackageConverter` is fairly obvious (it should be :-). .. code-block:: ini # The `py2deb' section contains global options. [py2deb] repository = /tmp name-prefix = py2deb install-prefix = /usr/lib/py2deb auto-install = on lintian = on # The `alternatives' section contains instructions # for Debian's `update-alternatives' system. [alternatives] /usr/bin/py2deb = /usr/lib/py2deb/bin/py2deb # Sections starting with `package:' contain conversion options # specific to a package. [package:py2deb] no-name-prefix = true Note that the configuration options shown here are just examples, they are not the configuration defaults (they are what I use to convert `py2deb` itself). Package specific sections support the following options: **no-name-prefix**: A boolean indicating whether the configured name prefix should be applied or not. Understands ``true`` and ``false`` (``false`` is the default and you only need this option to change the default). **rename**: Gives an override for the package name conversion algorithm (refer to :func:`rename_package()` for details). **script**: Set a shell command to be executed during the conversion process (refer to :func:`set_conversion_command()` for details). """ # Load the configuration file. parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() configuration_file = os.path.expanduser(configuration_file) logger.debug("Loading configuration file: %s", configuration_file) files_loaded = try: assert len(files_loaded) == 1 assert os.path.samefile(configuration_file, files_loaded[0]) except Exception: msg = "Failed to load configuration file! (%s)" raise Exception(msg % configuration_file) # Apply the global settings in the configuration file. if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'repository'): self.set_repository(parser.get('py2deb', 'repository')) if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'name-prefix'): self.set_name_prefix(parser.get('py2deb', 'name-prefix')) if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'install-prefix'): self.set_install_prefix(parser.get('py2deb', 'install-prefix')) if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'auto-install'): self.set_auto_install(parser.get('py2deb', 'auto-install')) if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'lintian'): self.set_lintian_enabled(parser.get('py2deb', 'lintian')) if parser.has_option('py2deb', 'python-callback'): self.set_python_callback(parser.get('py2deb', 'python-callback')) # Apply the defined alternatives. if parser.has_section('alternatives'): for link, path in parser.items('alternatives'): self.install_alternative(link, path) # Apply any package specific settings. for section in parser.sections(): tag, _, package = section.partition(':') if tag == 'package': if parser.has_option(section, 'no-name-prefix'): if parser.getboolean(section, 'no-name-prefix'): self.rename_package(package, package) if parser.has_option(section, 'rename'): rename_to = parser.get(section, 'rename') self.rename_package(package, rename_to) if parser.has_option(section, 'script'): script = parser.get(section, 'script') self.set_conversion_command(package, script)
[docs] def load_default_configuration_files(self): """ Load configuration options from default configuration files. The following default configuration file locations are checked: - ``/etc/py2deb.ini`` - ``~/.py2deb.ini`` :raises: :exc:`~exceptions.Exception` when a configuration file exists but cannot be loaded. """ for location in ('/etc/py2deb.ini', os.path.expanduser('~/.py2deb.ini')): if os.path.isfile(location): self.load_configuration_file(location)
[docs] def convert(self, pip_install_arguments): """ Convert one or more Python packages to Debian packages. :param pip_install_arguments: The command line arguments to the ``pip install`` command. :returns: A tuple with two lists: 1. A list of strings containing the pathname(s) of the generated Debian package package archive(s). 2. A list of strings containing the Debian package relationship(s) required to depend on the converted package(s). :raises: :exc:`~deb_pkg_tools.checks.DuplicateFilesFound` if two converted package archives contain the same files (certainly not what you want within a set of dependencies). Here's an example of what's returned: >>> from py2deb.converter import PackageConverter >>> converter = PackageConverter() >>> archives, relationships = converter.convert(['py2deb']) >>> print(archives) ['/tmp/python-py2deb_0.18_all.deb'] >>> print(relationships) ['python-py2deb (=0.18)'] """ try: generated_archives = [] dependencies_to_report = [] # Download and unpack the requirement set and store the complete # set as an instance variable because transform_version() will need # it later on. self.packages_to_convert = list(self.get_source_distributions(pip_install_arguments)) # Convert packages that haven't been converted already. for package in self.packages_to_convert: # If the requirement is a 'direct' (non-transitive) requirement # it means the caller explicitly asked for this package to be # converted, so we add it to the list of converted dependencies # that we report to the caller once we've finished converting. if package.requirement.is_direct: dependencies_to_report.append('%s (= %s)' % (package.debian_name, package.debian_version)) if package.existing_archive: # If the same version of this package was converted in a # previous run we can save a lot of time by skipping it."Package %s (%s) already converted: %s", package.python_name, package.python_version, package.existing_archive.filename) generated_archives.append(package.existing_archive) else: archive = package.convert() if not os.path.samefile(os.path.dirname(archive), shutil.move(archive, archive = os.path.join(, os.path.basename(archive)) generated_archives.append(archive) # Use deb-pkg-tools to sanity check the generated package archives # for duplicate files. This should never occur but unfortunately # can happen because Python's packaging infrastructure is a lot # more `forgiving' in the sense of blindly overwriting files # installed by other packages ;-). if len(generated_archives) > 1: check_duplicate_files(generated_archives, cache=get_default_cache()) # Let the caller know which archives were generated (whether # previously or now) and how to depend on the converted packages. return generated_archives, sorted(dependencies_to_report) finally: # Always clean up temporary directories created by pip and pip-accel. self.pip_accel.cleanup_temporary_directories()
[docs] def get_source_distributions(self, pip_install_arguments): """ Use :pypi:`pip-accel` to download and unpack Python source distributions. Retries several times if a download fails (so it doesn't fail immediately when a package index server returns a transient error). :param pip_install_arguments: The command line arguments to the ``pip install`` command (an iterable of strings). :returns: A generator of :class:`.PackageToConvert` objects. :raises: When downloading fails even after several retries this function raises ``pip.exceptions.DistributionNotFound``. This function can also raise other exceptions raised by :pypi:`pip` because it uses :pypi:`pip-accel` to call :pypi:`pip` (as a Python API). """ # We depend on `pip install --ignore-installed ...' so we can guarantee # that all of the packages specified by the caller are converted, # instead of only those not currently installed somewhere where pip can # see them (a poorly defined concept to begin with). arguments = ['--ignore-installed'] + list(pip_install_arguments) for requirement in self.pip_accel.get_requirements(arguments): if not in self.system_packages: yield PackageToConvert(self, requirement)
[docs] def transform_name(self, python_package_name, *extras): """ Transform Python package name to Debian package name. :param python_package_name: The name of a Python package as found on PyPI (a string). :param extras: Any extras requested to be included (a tuple of strings). :returns: The transformed name (a string). Examples: >>> from py2deb.converter import PackageConverter >>> converter = PackageConverter() >>> converter.transform_name('example') 'python-example' >>> converter.set_name_prefix('my-custom-prefix') >>> converter.transform_name('example') 'my-custom-prefix-example' >>> converter.set_name_prefix('some-web-app') >>> converter.transform_name('raven', 'flask') 'some-web-app-raven-flask' """ key = python_package_name.lower() # Check for a system package override by the caller. debian_package_name = self.system_packages.get(key) if debian_package_name: # We don't modify the names of system packages. return debian_package_name # Check for a package rename override by the caller. debian_package_name = self.name_mapping.get(key) if not debian_package_name: # No override. Make something up :-). debian_package_name = convert_package_name( python_package_name=python_package_name, name_prefix=self.name_prefix, extras=extras, ) # Always normalize the package name (even if it was given to us by the caller). return normalize_package_name(debian_package_name)
[docs] def transform_version(self, package_to_convert, python_requirement_name, python_requirement_version): """ Transform a Python requirement version to a Debian version number. :param package_to_convert: The :class:`.PackageToConvert` whose requirement is being transformed. :param python_requirement_name: The name of a Python package as found on PyPI (a string). :param python_requirement_version: The required version of the Python package (a string). :returns: The transformed version (a string). This method is a wrapper for :func:`.normalize_package_version()` that takes care of one additional quirk to ensure compatibility with :pypi:`pip`. Explaining this quirk requires a bit of context: - When package A requires package B (via ``install_requires``) and package A absolutely pins the required version of package B using one or more trailing zeros (e.g. ``B==1.0.0``) but the actual version number of package B (embedded in the metadata of package B) contains less trailing zeros (e.g. ``1.0``) then :pypi:`pip` will not complain but silently fetch version ``1.0`` of package B to satisfy the requirement. - However this doesn't change the absolutely pinned version in the ``install_requires`` metadata of package A. - When py2deb converts the resulting requirement set, the dependency of package A is converted as ``B (= 1.0.0)``. The resulting packages will not be installable because :man:`apt` considers ``1.0`` to be different from ``1.0.0``. This method analyzes the requirement set to identify occurrences of this quirk and strip trailing zeros in ``install_requires`` metadata that would otherwise result in converted packages that cannot be installed. """ matching_packages = [ pkg for pkg in self.packages_to_convert if package_names_match(pkg.python_name, python_requirement_name) ] if len(matching_packages) > 1: # My assumption while writing this code is that this should never # happen. This check is to make sure that if it does happen it will # be noticed because the last thing I want is for this `hack' to # result in packages that are silently wrongly converted. normalized_name = normalize_package_name(python_requirement_name) num_matches = len(matching_packages) raise Exception(compact(""" Expected requirement set to contain exactly one Python package whose name can be normalized to {name} but encountered {count} packages instead! (matching packages: {matches}) """, name=normalized_name, count=num_matches, matches=matching_packages)) elif matching_packages: # Check whether the version number included in the requirement set # matches the version number in a package's requirements. requirement_to_convert = matching_packages[0] if python_requirement_version != requirement_to_convert.python_version: logger.debug("Checking whether to strip trailing zeros from required version ..") # Check whether the version numbers share the same prefix. required_version = tokenize_version(python_requirement_version) included_version = tokenize_version(requirement_to_convert.python_version) common_length = min(len(required_version), len(included_version)) required_prefix = required_version[:common_length] included_prefix = included_version[:common_length] prefixes_match = (required_prefix == included_prefix) logger.debug("Prefix of required version: %s", required_prefix) logger.debug("Prefix of included version: %s", included_prefix) logger.debug("Prefixes match? %s", prefixes_match) # Check if 1) only the required version has a suffix and 2) this # suffix consists only of trailing zeros. required_suffix = required_version[common_length:] included_suffix = included_version[common_length:] logger.debug("Suffix of required version: %s", required_suffix) logger.debug("Suffix of included version: %s", included_suffix) if prefixes_match and required_suffix and not included_suffix: # Check whether the suffix of the required version contains # only zeros, i.e. pip considers the version numbers the same # although apt would not agree. if all(re.match('^0+$', t) for t in required_suffix if t.isdigit()): modified_version = ''.join(required_prefix) logger.warning("Stripping superfluous trailing zeros from required" " version of %s required by %s! (%s -> %s)", python_requirement_name, package_to_convert.python_name, python_requirement_version, modified_version) python_requirement_version = modified_version return normalize_package_version(python_requirement_version, prerelease_workaround=self.prerelease_workaround)